Saturday, February 6, 2010

Soon - St Valentine's Day

The romantic wedding of Maria Teresa Mestre y Batista-Falla and Henri, the crown prince of Luxembourg, took place on Valentine's Day 1981. Unlike the couple who married a few months later (Charles and Diana), Maria Teresa is happily married. The mother of 5 became the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg when her husband ascended in 2000.

HRH the Grand Duchess exhibits signs of Enneagram personality type 2.

Welcome to the Royalty & Enneagram blog

It's time! Welcome to Royalty & Enneagram, where I shall be posting on a regular basis how various figures of royalty illustrate aspects of specific types of the Enneagram personality  system. Here are some of the new princesses I have been following - a preview of my upcoming analyses.

Enjoy Royalty & Enneagram!

